Injuries to the neck and back are among the more common types of trauma and are often more of a transient nuisance than a serious event. However, some of these types of injuries can also represent a major life-altering catastrophe that may have implications for all activities including making a living. They can be complicated by general deconditioning, weight gain, stiffness, chronic pain and severe weakness of the musculature that supports the neck and back. When you have a neck or back injury, get the help you need and get it early. Rely on a medical professional who will listen, examine you and get the right clinical tests ordered if needed. In some cases, neurological or neurosurgical consultation may be needed, but if that is necessary we will make the process simple and quick. We want to get you back to work and back to life.

Whiplash injuries referred to as a CAD injury (cervical acceleration deceleration) typically occur when the head is suddenly and forcefully thrown backward and then forward, often due to a rear-end car collision. This motion can cause muscle, ligament, tendon and disc injuries to the cervical spine (neck region).
Sprain Strain
A strain (muscles & tendons) and a sprain (ligaments) are both common injuries that affect different tissues within the body, typically resulting from similar mechanisms such as overuse, overstretching, or sudden, forceful movements, car accidents.
Slip and Fall
Slip and fall injuries, also known as slip, trip, and fall accidents. These incidents typically occur due to hazardous conditions such as wet floors, uneven surfaces, poor lighting, or obstacles in walkways.
Repetitive Use or Overuse
Repetitive use injuries, also known as repetitive motion, injuries, or repetitive stress injuries are tissue injuries caused by repeated motions. This can affect the muscles, nerves, ligaments, and tendons and areas like the wrists, elbows, fingers, back, shoulders, neck, arms and legs.
Sports Injuries
Sports injuries are common among athletes of all levels and can range from minor to severe. These injuries are often categorized by the body part affected or the nature of the injury.
Sleeping Posture
Sleep posture injuries occur when an individual’s sleeping position or the way they arrange their body during sleep leads to discomfort, pain, or injury. These injuries can affect various parts of the body, including the neck, shoulders, back, hips, and even knees.
Improper Lifting
Improper lifting injuries can range from mild to severe and often require a combination of rest, ice, and medical evaluation for proper recovery. Learning and practicing proper lifting techniques and maintaining overall fitness are crucial for preventing future injuries.
Work Injuries
Work injuries can occur in various occupational settings, and they range from minor cuts and bruises to serious accidents that result in long-term disability. Understanding the common types of work injuries, their causes, prevention strategies, and appropriate responses is crucial for maintaining workplace safety.
Tech Neck
“Tech neck” is a term used to describe the strain and discomfort experienced in the neck and shoulders due to prolonged use of technology devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and computers. This condition is a result of poor posture, often characterized by a forward head position and rounded shoulders, which puts extra pressure on the cervical spine.